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Total Protein Extraction from Rice   

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关键词: 总蛋白, 水稻, 粗提


  1. 1.5 ml离心管
  2. 各种型号枪头 (20 μl, 200 μl, 1 ml)
  3. 液氮
  4. 1 M Tris-HCl (固体Tris碱配制,浓盐酸调节pH)
  5. SDS
  6. 甘油
  7. β-巯基乙醇
  8. 溴酚蓝
  9. 5 M NaCl (固体配制,国药集团)
  10. Triton X-100 (上海生工分装进口试剂)
  11. Protease Inhibitor (Roche, catalog number: 11836153001)
  12. 总蛋白抽提缓冲液 (见溶液配方)
  13. 4x Laemmli buffer (见溶液配方)


  1. 移液枪 (20 μl, 200 μl, 1 ml)
  2. 天平
  3. 高速冷冻离心机
  4. 研钵


  1. 取200 μl总蛋白抽提缓冲液加入到1.5 ml离心管中,放在冰上待用。
  2. 液氮研磨水稻叶片,取大约0.1 g粉末,加入到200 μl缓冲液中,充分混匀。
  3. 12,000 rpm冷冻离心10 分钟。
  4. 取上清,以3:1加入4x Laemmli buffer,混匀后95度以上变性10分钟,冰上冷却5分钟。
  5. 室温12,000 rpm 5分钟,取上清进行 SDS-PAGE检测。
  6. 本实验方法可简化为:
    将用液氮磨好的粉末以0.1 g/200 μl的比例直接加入到1x Laemmli buffer中,混匀后95度以上变性10分钟,离心取上清即为变性后的总蛋白,可直接用于SDS-PAGE检测。


  1. 4x Laemmli buffer

  2. 总蛋白抽提缓冲液

    注:若抽提出的总蛋白直接用于SDS-PAGE检测,可以用SDS代替Triton X-100,由于SDS的变性能力比Triton X-100强,可以更好的将核内的蛋白也抽提出;如提取的总蛋白是用于蛋白或复合体的分离纯化,则不能使用SDS。
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Copyright: © 2018 The Authors; exclusive licensee Bio-protocol LLC.
引用格式:陈香嵩, 程赛凤, 周少立, 赵毓. (2018). 水稻总蛋白抽提. Bio-101: e1010120. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1010120.
How to cite: Chen, X. S., Cheng, S. F., Zhou, S. L. and Zhao, Y. (2018). Total Protein Extraction from Rice. Bio-101: e1010120. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1010120.

If you have any questions/comments about this protocol, you are highly recommended to post here. We will invite the authors of this protocol as well as some of its users to address your questions/comments. To make it easier for them to help you, you are encouraged to post your data including images for the troubleshooting.

If you have any questions/comments about this protocol, you are highly recommended to post here. We will invite the authors of this protocol as well as some of its users to address your questions/comments. To make it easier for them to help you, you are encouraged to post your data including images for the troubleshooting.

pw Yan
9/18/2023 3:06:23 AM Reply
lin di
5/3/2023 11:11:22 PM Reply
Wen-Tao Wang
Huazhong agricultural university

Transcription factors are mostly located in the nucleus and belong to regulatory proteins, with relatively low abundance. So this method is not recommended , for transcriptionla factors , It is recommended to perform nuclear extraction followed by auxiliary lysis before WB (please refer to the method of nuclear protein extraction)

5/19/2023 7:06:31 AM Reply

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