I'm having difficulty modifying the execution permissions of files in the "linux" directory, preventing me from running the workflow. I'm using a Windows operating system, and I followed the tutorial to execute the "pipeline.sh" script in the RStudio Terminal. Yesterday, I successfully added execute permissions to the Linux commands by running the command "chmod +x D:/software/easyamplicon/EasyMicrobiome/EasyMicrobiome-master/linux/*," and I added the software to the environment variable, allowing me to run the related tools without issues. However, today I found that I couldn't run the commands anymore. When I attempted to run "chmod +x D:/software/easyamplicon/EasyMicrobiome/EasyMicrobiome-master/linux/*," there were no error messages, but the file permissions remained unchanged, and I still couldn't execute the commands.Please help me,thanks!
2023-12-12 01:27:09 Reply