Total RNA Extraction from Dinoflagellate Symbiodinium Cells Author: Tingting Xiang,
date: 06/05/2018,
view: 4415,
Q&A: 2 Dinoflagellates are unicellular algae that can have photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic lifestyles. Dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium can enter endosymbiotic associations with corals, providing the metabolic basis for the highly productive and biologically diverse coral-reef ecosystems (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999), as well as with other cnidarians, including sea anemones and jellyfish, and non-cnidarian hosts (Trench, 1993; Lobban et al., 2002; Mordret et al., 2016).
Here, I describe a protocol for isolating total RNA from Symbiodinium cells.