

Protocols in Current Issue
0 Q&A 51 Views Sep 5, 2024

A hexanucleotide GGGGCC repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene is the most frequent genetic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontal temporal dementia (FTD). C9orf72 repeat expansions are currently identified with long-range PCR or Southern blot for clinical and research purposes, but these methods lack accuracy and sensitivity. The GC-rich and repetitive content of the region cannot be amplified by PCR, which leads traditional sequencing approaches to fail. We turned instead to PacBio single-molecule sequencing to detect and size the C9orf72 repeat expansion without amplification. We isolated high molecular weight genomic DNA from patient-derived iPSCs of varying repeat lengths and then excised the region containing the C9orf72 repeat expansion from naked DNA with a CRISPR/Cas9 system. We added adapters to the cut ends, capturing the target region for sequencing on PacBio’s Sequel, Sequel II, or Sequel IIe. This approach enriches the C9orf72 repeat region without amplification and allows the repeat expansion to be consistently and accurately sized, even for repeats in the thousands.

Protocols in Past Issues
0 Q&A 572 Views Aug 20, 2024

Calcium channels at synaptic boutons are critical for synaptic function, but their number and distribution are poorly understood. This gap in knowledge is primarily due to the resolution limits of fluorescence microscopy. In the last decade, the diffraction limit of light was surpassed, and fluorescent molecules can now be localized with nanometer precision. Concurrently, new gene editing strategies allowed direct tagging of the endogenous calcium channel genes—expressed in the correct cells and at physiological levels. Further, the repurposing of self-labeling enzymes to attach fluorescent dyes to proteins improved photon yields enabling efficient localization of single molecules. Here, we describe tagging strategies, localization microscopy, and data analysis for calcium channel localization. In this case, we are imaging calcium channels fused with SNAP or HALO tags in live anesthetized C. elegans nematodes, but the analysis is relevant for any super-resolution preparations. We describe how to process images into localizations and protein clusters into confined nanodomains. Finally, we discuss strategies for estimating the number of calcium channels present at synaptic boutons.

0 Q&A 3230 Views Aug 20, 2024

In this protocol, we focused on analyzing internal branches of Drosophila class IV neurons. These neurons are characterized by their highly branched axons and dendrites and intricately tile the larval body. As Drosophila larvae progress through developmental stages, the dendritic arbors of Class IV neurons undergo notable transformations. As Drosophila larvae develop, their Class IV dendritic arbors grow. In the initial 24 h after egg laying (AEL), the dendrites are smaller than segments. During the subsequent 24 h of the first instar larval stage, dendritic arbors outpace segment growth, achieving tiling. After 48 h, arbors and segments grow concurrently. Epidermal cells near Class IV dendrites expand in proportion to segment growth. This observation suggested that Class IV cells might grow via branch dilation—uniformly elongating branches, akin to Class I cells [1,2]. To understand whether the class IV complex arbor structure is formed by dilation or simply from growing tips, we developed this protocol to introduce a systematic approach for quantitatively assessing the growth dynamics of internal branches.

0 Q&A 285 Views Aug 5, 2024

Physiological changes during awake immobility–related brain states remain one of the great unexplored behavioral states. Controlling periods of awake immobility is challenging because restraining the animal is stressful and is accompanied by altered physiological states. Here, we describe the ThermoMaze, a behavioral paradigm that allows for the collection of large amounts of physiological data while the animal rests at distinct experimenter-determined locations. We found that the paradigm generated long periods of immobility and did not alter the brain temperature. We combined the ThermoMaze with electrophysiology recordings in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and found a location-specific distribution of sharp-wave ripple events. We describe the construction of the ThermoMaze with the intention that it helps enable large-scale data recordings on immobility-related brain states.

0 Q&A 223 Views Aug 5, 2024

Alzheimer's disease (AD) poses a global health threat, progressively robbing patients of their memory and cognitive abilities. While it is recognized that meaningful social contact can alleviate the symptoms of dementia in AD patients, the precise mechanisms by which social stimulation mitigates AD symptoms remain poorly understood. We found that social interaction with novel mice, also known as novel social, simulated meaningful socializing. Therefore, we developed the multiple novel social (MNS) stimulation paradigm to train AD model mice and found that MNS effectively alleviated cognitive deficits in AD mice. This discovery not only opens up a new avenue for investigating the relationship between social stimulation and Alzheimer's disease but also lays the groundwork for delving into the underlying mechanisms, thereby providing crucial theoretical support for developing novel strategies to treat Alzheimer's disease.

0 Q&A 546 Views Jul 5, 2024

Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) is a syndrome defined as cognitive decline caused by vascular disease and is associated with various types of dementia. Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (CCH) is one of the major contributors to VCI. Among the various rodent models used to study CCH-induced VCI, we have found the mouse bilateral common carotid artery stenosis (BCAS) model to be highly suitable. Here, we introduce the BCAS model of C57BL/6J mice generated using microcoils with an internal diameter of 0.18 mm. To produce the mouse BCAS model, the bilateral common carotid arteries are isolated from the adhering tissues and vagus nerves and twined around the microcoils. This model shows cognitive impairment and white matter lesions preceding neuronal dysfunction around postoperative day 28, which is similar to the human clinical picture. Overall, the mouse BCAS model will continue to be useful in studying CCH-induced VCI.

0 Q&A 384 Views Jul 5, 2024

Adult mammals lack the ability to regenerate retinal neurons after injury. However, in previous studies from this lab, topical application of the selective alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist, PNU-282987, has been associated with an increase in the number of retinal neurons in adult murine models both in the presence and absence of injury to the retina. Additionally, studies assaying mitotic markers have shown a substantial increase in the amount of mitotically active and proliferating cells with the topical application of the alpha7 nAChR agonist. However, these previous studies were performed using fluorescent immunolabeling and subsequent confocal microscopy, thus limiting the number of antibodies that can be multiplexed. As a result, we have developed a flow cytometry method that allows for the multiplexing and analysis of multiple external and internal markers in dissociated retinal cells. In this paper, a step-by-step protocol is described for the labeling of multiple retinal cell types such as retinal ganglion cells, rod photoreceptors, and Müller glia, concurrently with Müller glia–derived progenitor cells that arise after treatment with PNU-282987.

0 Q&A 607 Views Jun 20, 2024

Sleep is an essential behavior that is still poorly understood. Sleep abnormalities accompany a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders, and sleep can serve as a modifiable behavior in the treatment of these disorders. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has proven to be a powerful model organism to study sleep and the interplay between sleep and these disorders due to the high conservation of the neuro-modulatory mechanisms that control sleep and wake states between zebrafish and humans. The zebrafish is a diurnal vertebrate with a relatively simple nervous system compared to mammalian models, exhibiting conservation of sleep ontogeny across different life stages. Zebrafish larvae are an established high-throughput model to assess sleep phenotypes and the biological underpinnings of sleep disturbances. To date, sleep measurement in juvenile and adult zebrafish has not been performed in a standardized and reproducible manner because of the relatively low-throughput nature in relation to their larval counterparts. This has left a gap in understanding sleep across later stages of life that are relevant to many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Several research groups have used homemade systems to address this gap. Here, we report employing commercially available equipment to track activity and sleep/wake patterns in juvenile and adult zebrafish. The equipment allows researchers to perform automated behavior assays in an isolated environment with light/dark and temperature control for multiple days. We first explain the experimental procedure to track the sleep and activity of adult zebrafish and then validate the protocol by measuring the effects of melatonin and DMSO administration.

1 Q&A 765 Views Jun 20, 2024

Microglia, the brain's primary resident immune cell, exists in various phenotypic states depending on intrinsic and extrinsic signaling. Distinguishing between these phenotypes can offer valuable biological insights into neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative processes. Recent advances in single-cell transcriptomic profiling have allowed for increased granularity and better separation of distinct microglial states. While techniques such as immunofluorescence and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) are available to differentiate microglial phenotypes and functions, these methods present notable limitations, including challenging quantification methods, high cost, and advanced analytical techniques. This protocol addresses these limitations by presenting an optimized cell preparation procedure that prevents ex vivo activation and a flow cytometry panel to distinguish four distinct microglial states from murine brain tissue. Following cell preparation, fluorescent antibodies were applied to label 1) homeostatic, 2) disease-associated (DAM), 3) interferon response (IRM), and 4) lipid-droplet accumulating (LDAM) microglia, based on gene markers identified in previous scRNA-seq studies. Stained cells were analyzed by flow cytometry to assess phenotypic distribution as a function of age and sex. A key advantage of this procedure is its adaptability, allowing the panel provided to be enhanced using additional markers with an appropriate cell analyzer (i.e., Cytek Aurora 5 laser spectral flow cytometer) and interrogating different brain regions or disease models. Additionally, this protocol does not require microglial cell sorting, resulting in a relatively quick and straightforward experiment. Ultimately, this protocol can compare the distribution of microglial phenotypic states between various experimental groups, such as disease state or age, with a lower cost and higher throughput than scRNA-seq.

0 Q&A 183 Views Jun 5, 2024

Many studies on mosquito biology rely on laboratory-reared colonies, emphasizing the need for standardized protocols to investigate critical aspects such as disease biology, mosquito behavior, and vector control methods. While much knowledge is derived from anthropophilic species from genera like Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, there is a growing interest in studying mosquitoes that feed on non-human hosts. This interest stems from the desire to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of diverse host range use and host specificity. However, there is currently a limited number of comprehensive protocols for studying such species. Considering this gap, we present a protocol for rearing Uranotaenia lowii, a mosquito species specialized in feeding on anuran amphibians by eavesdropping on host-emitted sound cues. Additionally, we provide instructions for successfully shipping live specimens to promote research on this species and similar ones. This protocol helps fill the current gap in comprehensive guidelines for rearing and maintaining colonies of anuran host–biting mosquitoes. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers seeking to establish colonies of mosquito species from the Uranotaeniini tribe. Ultimately, this protocol may facilitate research on the evolutionary ecology of Culicidae, as this family has recently been proposed to have originated from a frog-feeding ancestor.

0 Q&A 485 Views May 20, 2024

Understanding dendritic excitability is essential for a complete and precise characterization of neurons’ input-output relationships. Theoretical and experimental work demonstrates that the electrotonic and nonlinear properties of dendrites can alter the amplitude (e.g., through amplification) and latency of synaptic inputs as viewed in the axosomatic region where spike timing is determined. The gold-standard technique to study dendritic excitability is using dual-patch recordings with a high-resistance electrode used to patch a piece of distal dendrite in addition to a somatic patch electrode. However, this approach is often impractical when distal dendrites are too fine to patch. Therefore, we developed a technique that utilizes the expression of Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) to study dendritic excitability in acute brain slices through the combination of a somatic patch electrode and optogenetic activation. The protocol describes how to prepare acute slices from mice that express ChR2 in specific cell types, and how to use two modes of light stimulation: proximal (which activates the soma and proximal dendrites in a ~100 µm diameter surrounding the soma) with the use of a high-magnification objective and full-field stimulation through a low-magnification objective (which activates the entire somato-dendritic field of the neuron). We use this technique in conjunction with various stimulation protocols to estimate model-based spectral components of dendritic filtering and the impact of dendrites on phase response curves, peri-stimulus time histograms, and entrainment of pacemaking neurons. This technique provides a novel use of optogenetics to study intrinsic dendritic excitability through the use of standard patch-clamp slice physiology.

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