Hélène Dutartre
  • Research Associate, Center for International Research on Infectiology (CIRI), UMR Inserm, ENS Lyon, France
Research fields
  • Cell Biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Development of a Rapid Epstein–Barr Virus Detection System Based on Recombinase Polymerase Amplification and a Lateral Flow Assay
Authors:  Yidan Sun, Danni Tang, Nan Li, Yudong Wang, Meimei Yang and Chao Shen, date: 12/05/2024, view: 195, Q&A: 0

The quality of cellular products used in biological research can impact the accuracy of results. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a latent virus that spreads extensively worldwide, and cell lines used in experiments may carry EBV and pose an infection risk. The presence of EBV in a single cell line can contaminate other cell lines used in the same laboratory, affecting experimental results. Existing tests to detect EBV can be divided into three categories: nucleic acid assays, serological assays, and in situ hybridization assays. However, most methods are time-consuming, expensive, and not conducive to high-volume clinical screening. Therefore, a simple system that allows for the rapid detection of EBV in multiple contexts, including both cell culture and tissue samples, remains necessary. In our research, we developed EBV detection systems: (1) a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection system, (2) a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA)-based detection system, and (3) a combined RPA-lateral flow assay (LFA) detection system. The minimum EBV detection limits were 1 × 103 copy numbers for the RPA-based and RPA-LFA systems and 1 × 104 copy numbers for the PCR-based system. Both the PCR and RPA detection systems were applied to 192 cell lines, and the results were consistent with those of the assays specified in industry standards. A total of 10 EBV-positive cell lines were identified. The combined RPA-LFA system is simple to operate, allowing for rapid result visualization. This system can be implemented in laboratories and cell banks as part of a daily quality control strategy to ensure cell quality and experimental safety and may represent a potential new technique for the rapid detection of EBV in clinical samples.

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