Proximity-based protein labeling has been developed to identify protein-nucleic acid interactions. We have reported a novel method termed CRUIS (CRISPR-based RNA-United Interacting System), which captures RNA-protein interactions in living cells by combining the RNA-binding capacity of CRISPR/Cas13 and the proximity-tagging activity of PUP-IT. Enzymatically deactivated Cas13a (dCas13a) is fused to the proximity labeling enzyme PafA. In the presence of a guide RNA, dCas13a binds specific target RNA region, while the fused PafA mediates the labeling of biotin-tagged Pup on proximal proteins. The labeled proteins can be enriched by streptavidin pull-down and identified by mass spectrometry. Here we describe the general procedure for capturing RNA-protein interactions using this method.