Atif Rahman
  • Faculty, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka
Reference-free Association Mapping from Sequencing Reads Using k-mers
Authors:  Zakaria Mehrab, Jaiaid Mobin, Ibrahim Asadullah Tahmid, Lior Pachter and Atif Rahman, date: 11/05/2020, view: 4371, Q&A: 0
Association mapping is the process of linking phenotypes with genotypes. In genome wide association studies (GWAS), individuals are first genotyped using microarrays or by aligning sequenced reads to reference genomes. However, both these approaches rely on reference genomes which limits their application to organisms with no or incomplete reference genomes. To address this, reference free association mapping methods have been developed. Here we present the protocol of an alignment free method for association studies which is based on counting k-mers in sequenced reads, testing for associations between k-mers and the phenotype of interest, and local assembly of the k-mers of statistical significance. The method can map associations of categorical phenotypes to sequence and structural variations without requiring prior sequencing of reference genomes.
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