A Modified Approach for Axenic Cultivation of Spores of Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. with High Germination Rate Authors: Yuan Ya-Ning,
Yi Shu,
Jin Wan-Ting and
Fang Yu-Han,
date: 07/05/2018,
view: 4447,
Q&A: 0 Spores are the primary way of spread and reproduction for ferns, a clade of seed-free vascular plants. However, no detailed protocol for ferns spore cultivation has been reported yet. Here we provide a modified approach for axenic cultivation of fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L., based on Cao’s and Li’s method (Cao, et al., 2010; Li, et al., 2013).
Our approach can be briefly divided into four steps: 1) collect spores; 2) sterilize the spores with 5% sodium hypochlorite solution and wash twice; 3) incubate the spores in liquid Knop’s medium in the dark for five days; 4) cultivate the spores on Knop's plate medium. To increase the germination rate, we constrain the sterilization time under 25 min and add dark treatment step after spore sterilization. After these modifications, the germination rate raises from 2% to 25%.