Zilong Wang
Research fields
  • Neuroscience
Proboscis Extension Reflex in Apis mellifera [Honeybee] with Only One Antenna
Authors:  Yu Guo, Zilong Wang, Zhijiang Zeng, Shaowu Zhang and Runsheng Chen, date: 12/05/2017, view: 6463, Q&A: 0
The proboscis extension reflex (PER) is a common classical conditioned reflex which is widely used in the neurology and ethology. In honeybees, PER experiments can train bees to associate an odor with a reward or punishment. Here we present a variation of the PER experiment in Apis mellifera that trains honeybees using only one antenna. This variation on the PER paradigm could assist research efforts in fields which study lateralization within the nervous system.
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