Takemi Tanaka
  • Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA
Research fields
  • Cancer biology
In vitro Flow Adhesion Assay for Analyzing Shear-resistant Adhesion of Metastatic Cancer Cells to Endothelial Cells
Authors:  Shin-Ae Kang, Sandra Bajana and Takemi Tanaka, date: 02/20/2016, view: 13117, Q&A: 1
Hematogenous metastasis is a primary cause of mortality from metastatic cancer. The shear-resistant adhesion of circulating tumor cells to the vascular endothelial cell surface under blood flow is an essential step in cell extravasation and further tissue invasion. This is similar to a process exploited by leukocytes for adhesion to inflamed blood vessels (leukocyte mimicry). The shear resistant adhesion is mediated by high affinity interactions between endothelial adhesion molecules and their counter receptor ligand expressed on circulating cells. Thus, weak interaction results in a rapid detachment of circulating cells from endothelium. Despite the critical role of vascular adhesion of cancer cells in hematogenous metastasis, our knowledge regarding this process has been limited due to the difficulty of mimicking dynamic flow conditions in vitro. In order to gain better insight into the shear-resistant adhesion of cancer cells to the endothelium, we developed a protocol for measuring the shear resistant adhesion of circulating tumor cells to endothelial cells under physiologic flow conditions by adapting a well established flow adhesion assay for inflammatory cells. This technique is useful to evaluate 1) the shear resistant adhesion competency of cancer cells and 2) the endothelial adhesion molecules necessary to support cancer cell adhesion (Kang et al., 2015).
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