Nora Gigli Bisceglia
  • Department of Biology and Biotechnology “C. Darwin”, Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy
Research fields
  • Plant science
Preparation of Drosophila Larval Blood Cells for Single-cell RNA Sequencing
Authors:  Sudhir Gopal Tattikota and Norbert Perrimon, date: 08/20/2021, view: 2595, Q&A: 0

Recent advances in single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies provide unprecedented opportunities to identify new cell types and characterize cell states. One of the most important requirements for performing scRNA-seq is to obtain high-quality single cells in suspension. Recently, we used this approach to characterize Drosophila blood cells (hemocytes). Here, we provide a detailed protocol for obtaining single hemocytes in suspension, which can be used for microfluidics-based scRNA-seq platforms. This protocol involves the simple bleeding of third instar larvae and the subsequent purification of the hemolymph using either Optiprep-based gradient centrifugation or traditional centrifugation methods to obtain single hemocytes of high quality for scRNA-seq. Importantly, this method for single-hemocyte preparation is straightforward and reproducible, with negligible issues associated with cell viability as the entire procedure involves no enzymatic dissociation.

Graphic abstract:

Workflow for the preparation of Drosophila larval blood cells in suspension. Hemocytes (blood cells) of the sessile and circulatory compartments of larvae are derived by simple bleeding and purification using gradient centrifugation. Blood cells are counted and subsequently encapsulated by microfluidics-based scRNA-seq platforms. Blood cells represented in the schematic are derived from third instar larvae of the genotype Hemolectin-GAL4.Delta, UAS-2xEGFP (BDSC stock #30140).

Probe-Seq: Method for RNA Sequencing of Specific Cell Types from Animal Tissue
Most organs and tissues are composed of many types of cells. To characterize cellular state, various transcription profiling approaches are currently available, including whole-tissue bulk RNA sequencing, single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq), and cell type-specific RNA sequencing. What is missing in this repertoire is a simple, versatile method for bulk transcriptional profiling of cell types for which cell type-specific genetic markers or antibodies are not readily available. We therefore developed Probe-Seq, which uses hybridization of gene-specific probes to RNA markers for isolation of specific types of cells, to enable downstream FACS isolation and bulk RNA sequencing. We show that this method can enable isolation and profiling of specific cell types from mouse retina, frozen human retina, Drosophila midgut, and developing chick retina, suggesting that it is likely useful for most organisms.
Synthetic Lethality Screens Using RNAi in Combination with CRISPR-based Knockout in Drosophila Cells
Authors:  Benjamin E. Housden, Hilary E. Nicholson and Norbert Perrimon, date: 02/05/2017, view: 10645, Q&A: 0
A synthetic lethal interaction is a type of genetic interaction where the disruption of either of two genes individually has little effect but their combined disruption is lethal. Knowledge of synthetic lethal interactions can allow for elucidation of network structure and identification of candidate drug targets for human diseases such as cancer. In Drosophila, combinatorial gene disruption has been achieved previously by combining multiple RNAi reagents. Here we describe a protocol for high-throughput combinatorial gene disruption by combining CRISPR and RNAi. This approach previously resulted in the identification of highly reproducible and conserved synthetic lethal interactions (Housden et al., 2015).
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