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For Preprint Authors
Preprint Author Guidelines
Bio-protocol Preprint Repository provides a preprint server for research protocols in all areas of life sciences.
Please read the following guidelines before submitting your protocol to Bio-protocol Exchange.
Aims & scope: All protocol preprints, whether novel or basic, can be deposited in Bio-protocol Exchange, provided that they have been validated by the authors and are relevant to the life sciences.
Language: All protocols must be submitted in English to ensure accessibility to the international scientific community.
Format: Protocols can be submitted in any format; however, to enhance clarity and reusability, we encourage authors to submit a step-by-step protocol as described in our Preprint Protocol Preparation Guidelines. Click here to see an example.
Screening process: All protocols uploaded to Bio-protocol Exchange undergo a basic screening process for offensive and/or non-scientific content and for material that might pose a health or biosecurity risk. There is no peer-review process before the protocol is posted online.
Publishing Ethics: Bio-protocol Group reserves the right to identify and remove any protocols that contain significant plagiarism or research involving animal and/or human subjects in violation of Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE).
Copyright: The copyright remains with the authors. All the authors have consented to is the protocol's deposition. There are two distribution/reuse options for authors to select: CC BY or CC BY-NC. For more information about these copyright options, click here.
Citation: Preprints can be cited using their digital object identifier (DOI). The DOI is citable and therefore cannot be removed.
Fee: There is no charge for depositing your protocol in Bio-protocol Exchange.
Registration: Authors are required to register an account before depositing a protocol in Bio-protocol Exchange.
Submitting a protocol to the Bio-protocol Preprint Repository is NOT the same as submitting a protocol to the Bio-protocol journal.
There are two ways for a preprint protocol to be considered for publication in the Bio-protocol journal: