Bio-101 is a protocol database and may therefore contain protocols that have previously been described in detail elsewhere. However, Bio-101 authors cannot plagiarize prior work. Plagiarism consists of two forms: a) self-plagiarism, in which authors reuse significant parts of their own previously published work without appropriate references; and b) copying, in which authors present someone else's published work as their own. Significant plagiarism will be determined by the Associate Editor assigned to the manuscript, and if found to violate the acceptable standard of using other pieces of work with appropriate attribution, will not be accepted into the database at Bio-101. Minor incidents of plagiarism without intent, for example using 1 or 2 lines from their own previous Materials and Methods section of a paper, will not be considered a violation of plagiarism ethics. Bio-101 supports initiatives such as CrossCheck.
At Bio-101, we are a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and fully support guidelines for publication ethics established by the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and COPE. These include but are not limited to: standards for treatment of research subjects; falsification and fabrication of data; and piracy and plagiarism. For animal research, we recommend following the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines. All protocols that have used human and/or animal subjects must mention the specific ethics committee that approved the described experiment. Protocols including human subjects should also indicate that informed consent was obtained from all subjects. We further expect authors to meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship and to accurately report any conflicts of interest.
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