

Protocols in Current Issue
Protocols in Past Issues
0 Q&A 371 Views Dec 5, 2024

Drosophila larvae exhibit rolling motor behavior as an escape response to avoid predators and painful stimuli. We introduce an accessible method for applying optogenetics to study the motor circuits driving rolling behavior. For this, we simultaneously implement the Gal4-UAS and LexA-Aop binary systems to express two distinct optogenetic channels, GtACR and Chrimson, in motor neuron (MN) subsets and rolling command neurons (Goro), respectively. Upon exposure to white LED light, Chrimson permits the influx of positive ions into Goro neurons, leading to depolarization, whereas GtACR mediates chloride influx into MNs, resulting in hyperpolarization. This method allows researchers to selectively activate certain neurons while simultaneously inhibiting others within a circuit of interest, offering a unique advantage over current optogenetic approaches, which often utilize a single type of optogenetic actuator. Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the dual silencing-activation approach using GtACR and Chrimson optogenetic channels and present a robust methodological framework for investigating the neuromuscular basis of rolling in larvae. Our cost-effective and scalable approach utilizes readily accessible equipment and can be applied to study other locomotor behaviors in Drosophila larvae, thereby enhancing our understanding of the neural circuit mechanisms underlying sensorimotor transformation.

0 Q&A 309 Views Nov 5, 2024

Behavioral neuroscience requires precise and unbiased methods for animal behavior assessment to elucidate complex brain–behavior interactions. Traditional manual scoring methods are often labor-intensive and can be prone to error, necessitating advances in automated techniques. Recent innovations in computer vision have led to both marker- and markerless-based tracking systems. In this protocol, we outline the procedures required for utilizing Augmented Reality University of Cordoba (ArUco) markers, a marker-based tracking approach, to automate the assessment and scoring of rodent engagement during an established intracortical microstimulation-based nose-poking go/no-go task. In short, this protocol involves detailed instructions for building a suitable behavioral chamber, installing and configuring all required software packages, constructing and attaching an ArUco marker pattern to a rat, running the behavioral software to track marker positions, and analyzing the engagement data for determining optimal task durations. These methods provide a robust framework for real-time behavioral analysis without the need for extensive training data or high-end computational resources. The main advantages of this protocol include its computational efficiency, ease of implementation, and adaptability to various experimental setups, making it an accessible tool for laboratories with diverse resources. Overall, this approach streamlines the process of behavioral scoring, enhancing both the scalability and reproducibility of behavioral neuroscience research. All resources, including software, 3D models, and example data, are freely available at

0 Q&A 383 Views Nov 5, 2024

Long-lasting memories are a core aspect of an animal’s life. Such memories are characterized by unique molecular mechanisms and often unique circuitry, neither of which are completely understood in vivo. The deep knowledge of the identity and connectivity of neurons of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, as well as the sophisticated genetic tools that allow in vivo perturbations and physiology monitoring, make it a remarkably useful organism in which to investigate the molecular mechanisms of long-term memories. In this protocol, we focus on habituation, a non-associative form of learning, and describe a reliable, semi-automated technique to induce and assess long-term olfactory habituation (LTH) in Drosophila using the olfactory arena, thus providing a method aligned with recent technological progress in behavioral measurement. Prior work has shown that LTH is induced by a 4-day exposure to an odorant and is characterized by a long-lasting (> 24 h) reduction in behavioral response to the exposed odorant, measured using a manual and skill-intensive Y-maze assay. Here, we present a semi-automated protocol for obtaining quantifiable measures of LTH, at the level of detail required for other investigators in the field. Unlike previously described methods, the protocol presented here provides quantitative and detailed behavioral measurements obtained by video recording that can be shared with the scientific community and allows sophisticated forms of offline analysis. We suggest that this procedure has the potential to advance our understanding of molecular and circuit mechanisms of olfactory habituation, its control via neuromodulation, and its interactions with other forms of memory.

0 Q&A 430 Views Sep 20, 2024

C. elegans is a well-established nematode model organism, with 83% of its genes conserved in humans with translation potential. C. elegans is translucent, with clearly defined cellular organization, and robustly identifiable under a microscope, being an excellent model for studying feeding behavior. Its neuromuscular pharyngeal pump undergoes a pumping motion that can be quantified to study feeding behavior at specific treatment conditions and in genetically modified worms. Understanding the evolutionarily conserved feeding behaviors and regulatory signals is vital, as unhealthy eating habits increase the risk of associated diseases. The current protocol was developed to identify and study evolutionary conserved signals regulating feeding behavior. The protocol described here is very robust in calculating the pumping rate (pumping per minute) as it directly counts the pharyngeal pumping for 30 s. This protocol uses basic laboratory instrumentation, such as a stereomicroscope with an attached camera and a computer with a video program that can be used to count manually. The advantages of studying C. elegans feeding include understanding the genetic basis of feeding regulation, dysregulation of feeding behavior in a disease model, the influence of toxic or environmental substances in feeding behavior, and modulation of feeding behavior by pharmacological agents.

0 Q&A 436 Views Aug 5, 2024

Physiological changes during awake immobility–related brain states remain one of the great unexplored behavioral states. Controlling periods of awake immobility is challenging because restraining the animal is stressful and is accompanied by altered physiological states. Here, we describe the ThermoMaze, a behavioral paradigm that allows for the collection of large amounts of physiological data while the animal rests at distinct experimenter-determined locations. We found that the paradigm generated long periods of immobility and did not alter the brain temperature. We combined the ThermoMaze with electrophysiology recordings in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and found a location-specific distribution of sharp-wave ripple events. We describe the construction of the ThermoMaze with the intention that it helps enable large-scale data recordings on immobility-related brain states.

0 Q&A 396 Views Aug 5, 2024

Alzheimer's disease (AD) poses a global health threat, progressively robbing patients of their memory and cognitive abilities. While it is recognized that meaningful social contact can alleviate the symptoms of dementia in AD patients, the precise mechanisms by which social stimulation mitigates AD symptoms remain poorly understood. We found that social interaction with novel mice, also known as novel social, simulated meaningful socializing. Therefore, we developed the multiple novel social (MNS) stimulation paradigm to train AD model mice and found that MNS effectively alleviated cognitive deficits in AD mice. This discovery not only opens up a new avenue for investigating the relationship between social stimulation and Alzheimer's disease but also lays the groundwork for delving into the underlying mechanisms, thereby providing crucial theoretical support for developing novel strategies to treat Alzheimer's disease.

0 Q&A 742 Views Jun 20, 2024

Sleep is an essential behavior that is still poorly understood. Sleep abnormalities accompany a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders, and sleep can serve as a modifiable behavior in the treatment of these disorders. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has proven to be a powerful model organism to study sleep and the interplay between sleep and these disorders due to the high conservation of the neuro-modulatory mechanisms that control sleep and wake states between zebrafish and humans. The zebrafish is a diurnal vertebrate with a relatively simple nervous system compared to mammalian models, exhibiting conservation of sleep ontogeny across different life stages. Zebrafish larvae are an established high-throughput model to assess sleep phenotypes and the biological underpinnings of sleep disturbances. To date, sleep measurement in juvenile and adult zebrafish has not been performed in a standardized and reproducible manner because of the relatively low-throughput nature in relation to their larval counterparts. This has left a gap in understanding sleep across later stages of life that are relevant to many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Several research groups have used homemade systems to address this gap. Here, we report employing commercially available equipment to track activity and sleep/wake patterns in juvenile and adult zebrafish. The equipment allows researchers to perform automated behavior assays in an isolated environment with light/dark and temperature control for multiple days. We first explain the experimental procedure to track the sleep and activity of adult zebrafish and then validate the protocol by measuring the effects of melatonin and DMSO administration.

0 Q&A 239 Views Jun 5, 2024

Many studies on mosquito biology rely on laboratory-reared colonies, emphasizing the need for standardized protocols to investigate critical aspects such as disease biology, mosquito behavior, and vector control methods. While much knowledge is derived from anthropophilic species from genera like Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, there is a growing interest in studying mosquitoes that feed on non-human hosts. This interest stems from the desire to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of diverse host range use and host specificity. However, there is currently a limited number of comprehensive protocols for studying such species. Considering this gap, we present a protocol for rearing Uranotaenia lowii, a mosquito species specialized in feeding on anuran amphibians by eavesdropping on host-emitted sound cues. Additionally, we provide instructions for successfully shipping live specimens to promote research on this species and similar ones. This protocol helps fill the current gap in comprehensive guidelines for rearing and maintaining colonies of anuran host–biting mosquitoes. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers seeking to establish colonies of mosquito species from the Uranotaeniini tribe. Ultimately, this protocol may facilitate research on the evolutionary ecology of Culicidae, as this family has recently been proposed to have originated from a frog-feeding ancestor.

0 Q&A 926 Views Apr 20, 2024

In vivo brain imaging, using a combination of genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators and gradient refractive index (GRIN) lens, is a transformative technology that has become an increasingly potent research tool over the last decade. It allows direct visualisation of the dynamic cellular activity of deep brain neurons and glia in conscious animals and avoids the effect of anaesthesia on the network. This technique provides a step change in brain imaging where fibre photometry combines the whole ensemble of cellular activity, and multiphoton microscopy is limited to imaging superficial brain structures either under anaesthesia or in head-restrained conditions. We have refined the intravital imaging technique to image deep brain nuclei in the ventral medulla oblongata, one of the most difficult brain structures to image due to the movement of brainstem structures outside the cranial cavity during free behaviour (head and neck movement), whose targeting requires GRIN lens insertion through the cerebellum—a key structure for balance and movement. Our protocol refines the implantation method of GRIN lenses, giving the best possible approach to image deep extracranial brainstem structures in awake rodents with improved cell rejection/acceptance criteria during analysis. We have recently reported this method for imaging the activity of retrotrapezoid nucleus and raphe neurons to outline their chemosensitive characteristics. This revised method paves the way to image challenging brainstem structures to investigate their role in complex behaviours such as breathing, circulation, sleep, digestion, and swallowing, and could be extended to image and study the role of cerebellum in balance, movement, motor learning, and beyond.

Key features

• We developed a protocol that allows imaging from brainstem neurons and glia in freely behaving rodents.

• Our refined method of GRIN lenses implantation and cell sorting approach gives the highest number of cells with the least postoperative complications.

• The revised deep brainstem imaging method paves way to understand complex behaviours such as cardiorespiratory regulation, sleep, swallowing, and digestion.

• Our protocol can be implemented to image cerebellar structures to understand their role in key functions such as balance, movement, motor learning, and more.

Graphical overview

0 Q&A 1072 Views Feb 5, 2024

Measuring autonomic parameters like heart rate in behaving mice is not only a standard procedure in cardiovascular research but is applied in many other interdisciplinary research fields. With an electrocardiogram (ECG), the heart rate can be measured by deriving the electrical potential between subcutaneously implanted wires across the chest. This is an inexpensive and easy-to-implement technique and particularly suited for repeated recordings of up to eight weeks. This protocol describes a step-by-step guide for manufacturing the needed equipment, performing the surgical procedure of electrode implantation, and processing of acquired data, yielding accurate and reliable detection of heartbeats and calculation of heart rate (HR). We provide MATLAB graphical user interface (GUI)–based tools to extract and start processing the acquired data without a lot of coding knowledge. Finally, based on an example of a data set acquired in the context of defensive reactions, we discuss the potential and pitfalls in analyzing HR data.

Key features

• Next to surgical steps, the protocol provides a detailed description of manufacturing custom-made ECG connectors and a shielded, light-weight patch cable.

• Suitable for recordings in which signal quality is challenged by ambient noise or noise from other recording devices.

• Described for 2-channel differential recording but easily expandable to record from more channels.

• Includes a summary of potential analysis methods and a discussion on the interpretation of HR dynamics in the case study of fear states.

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